Saturday, February 23, 2013

Level 1 - Day 5ish

I've not been doing great at keeping up with stage 1 so far, which is actually quite helpful for understanding my life. If I'm so unwilling to do things that I know will keep me healthy, it's not surprising that I may be unhappy.

Today was much better in terms of focusing on Level 1 of the pyramid.
Good things: I cooked dinner and exercised, which was great. I also chose to stay home instead of going out to hang out with friends because I felt tired, thus prioritizing my well-being over social needs. I also focused on making my environment a little bit cleaner, hopefully making my allergies and general health better.
Bad things: I wasn't able to sleep enough last night. I went to bed at about 12:30 and was up by 7:00. For some reason, I've been suffering from insomnia lately. When I do sleep, I have nightmares and when I don't, I feel exhausted. I probably could have eaten healthier food as well. Hot dogs, oven fries and salad are probably not the best choice of a meal.

Overall, I feel fairly good about today. I think focusing on one thing at a time is helpful.

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