Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Plan

Stage 1: Physiological needs

In reality, the majority of my physiological needs are probably being met right now. I’m not obviously sick or lacking for food or shelter. However, my goal is to achieve homeostasis and satisfy my physiological needs as well as possible. This means, for me:
1.       Getting to my peak physical state. The internet is remarkably lacking in definitions of what this means, so I’m going to use the Navy SEALs physical test and the President’s Fitness Test to see where I am on that scale. I feel like if I could pass army criteria, I’m probably fine for my desk job. This is going to require me to actually exercise, pay attention to what I eat and generally stop being a giant slug. I’m throwing flexibility in here.
2.      Achieving homeostasis. Another weird one. I suppose I could stop at just making sure I’m warm enough or cool enough in given circumstances, but I’m going to go farther. I want to be rid of any diseases (not that I have any), not be subject to rampaging hormones (ceasing birth control is not good for your mental state, btw), and generally be balanced physically. This is going to require active yoga and meditation practices.
3.      Sleep and rest. I’m aiming for 8 hours a night without sleeping pills and vodka. Or either or. That would be great.
4.      Other incidentals (shelter, sex, warmth, food, etc.). I think for these, I’m going to go with the basics: making sure my house is clean, has the things I need to prepare food, having sex(? Not clear on if this is what Maslow meant. I’m not a monkey, so I feel like I’m less in need of sex, but maybe that’s what’s wrong with my life right now), etc. I wonder if moving close enough to work so I don’t have to be cold when walking to the bus would fit there?
Stage 2: Safety Needs

I’m pretty sure this is where I’m stuck. Safety needs include all sorts of security (financial, physical, etc.). I have not been great at managing my finances in the past, which has left me with a great deal of debt-related anxiety. Not credit card debt, mostly student loans, which relate to job security. I digress. So…
1.      Financial: Pay off my debts. The ones that people could come get me for. I don’t think there’s debtors prison anymore, but I certainly don’t want the government or private agencies to have any hold over me. I recently read a book where demons invaded the world and the economy collapsed as part of that and people who had a lot of debt saw the government call those in. Kind of like credit card companies can do if they really want to. Or landlords. I’m psychologically scarred from a lot. So, yeah. Aggressive debt repayment so that my net worth is >0. I realize this is going to take a while, so I’m going to say that I’ll set this as enough money to pay off more than my minimum payments would be without IBR and still be happy. Also, savings. 
2. Physical: I'm frequently stressed about not being safe when I wander around. I'm thinking karate is the way to go with that. I have a taser and stuff, so being able to fight would make me feel better about life in general. 
3. Home: The actual owning of a home is fairly linked to financial security, but home security is also a concern for me. I want a gun. And to know how to shoot it. Also, if zombies were a thing, I would want food storage and stuff. 
4. Employment: I should probably secure employment that is fairly secure. Or ask my current employer if I'm still hired for this year. 

Stage 3: Love and Belonging

I have definite issues with this one. It involves
1. Friendship: Make some friends that I can go to lunch with and have dinner with from time to time. Maybe 3. And have at least 2 close friends and 1 best friend. Maybe be part of a group of some kind. I think I'll start playing an MMO. I've met cool people there before. 
2. Family: Maybe spend more time with my family. Speak to one member of my family at least once a week. Reconnect with extended family at least once a year.
3. Sexual Intimacy: This seems fairly self-explanatory. Have a good romantic relationship as defined by both of us feeling cared about. 

Stage 4: Esteem

I don't have any clue how to get to these right now, so I'll just list the requirements: self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of others, respect by others.

Stage 5:Self-Actualization

Morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts.

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