Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Stage 1-2ish

HabitForge keeps nagging me about adding a post to this blog, which is fine except I don't feel like updating when I have nothing to say. But whatever, HabitForge. I bow to your superior nagging ability. 

It's odd how much time, effort and money I spend on things that are completely unrelated to my happiness. If nothing else, this project has shown me that proportionately, I'm spending most of my efforts on things that might (and it's a big might) contribute to levels 4 and 5. I'm not entirely sure how watching Korean dramas leads to self-actualization, but it must or people wouldn't spend so much on entertainment. It's got to be a level 5 need, if anything, but TV doesn't really seem to do much except rest my brain. 

On that topic, levels 1 and 2 are going pretty well. As I've mentioned before, I've been taking Taekwondo and it is one of my biggest sources of joy lately. Frustrating day at work (and believe me, it was frustrating)? Kick out the aggression. Focusing on getting martial arts forms right is way more fun than getting forms right at work. 

I also took a shooting class, which was also fun, but related more to security and safety. I live in a gun-nut kind of state, so knowing how to shoot is  getting to be an imperative. I may eventually purchase a gun, but I have issues with being on any registry. Buying a firearm would likely increase my impression of personal safety, but will set back my financial security. 

So, here's the dilemma. My quest to go up to level 2 is definitely impeding my level 1 needs. For instance, working extra to make more money is decreasing my sleep. Taking self-defense classes decreases my money. And things like that. However, it also boosts other aspects of level 1. Self defense makes me healthier and all that (other than the injured foot due to a spontaneous 5 mile walk exacerbated) and will help me actually be healthier. 

It's really turning into a balancing act. If nothing else, it's casting some light on unhealthy habits that I should think about changing. I was talking to a friend tonight and all he needs is on levels 2 and 3. Those are his only  issues, according to him. Which is fine. But if I lived his life, I'd be freaked out about 1 because his life is not really super stable. But he isn't. So, maybe it is more a matter of perception. Maybe there is no perfect completion of any of these levels. But by golly, I'm going to try. I have a Type A personality, so I may have something of a crazy competitive, perfectionist edge. So, Level 5 drives me in everything I do, no matter where I am on the pyramid. Maybe that will change eventually. 

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